Amazon Smile  donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.  AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

  • go to: This is the same Amazon site, but on the fundraising side.
  • Choose the organization search TIAS ARMS
  • Then just use Amazon like you always have. Everything is exactly the same. Be sure to Change your bookmark so that you go to the Smile site. We only get credit if you order from the Smile side. It must say ‘’ every time. benefits.


Facebook Campaigns, you can run a campaign on your personal Facebook page. 100% of proceeds go to TIAS ARMS   Go to:

  • Click “Raise Money”
  • Click “Nonprofit”
  • Type in “Tias Arms”


Search for Cents  You can earn cents for TIAS ARMS when you use Good Search   Start today by going to:  and make TIAS ARMS your non-profit choice. Good Search contributes one cent for each search. For example, if 100 donors log on to the search engine twice a day for a year, that translates into $730 a year, or the equivalent of providing meals in an after-school program for more nearly four months, often the only good nutrition these children receive in a day.


Have a Birthday or Dinner Party!   Invite friends to a birthday party and asking attendees to contribute to TIAS ARMS in lieu of gifts. Dinner parties are also fun and asking guests to donate to TIAS ARMS in any amount makes a big difference. Suggestions on how to create a South African theme for your party: serve South African wines, play African music, serve South African food. When available, Joanne Baker, our founder, is happy to attend your party, speak about the children who benefit from your contributions, and thank your guests for their generosity. You will literally change lives and bring great happiness, as you embrace these children with your kindness.  please mail us at:  [email protected]