Our Work: Hunger
Feed a child and
watch them grow.
In 2019, according to the United Nations, 6.9% (or 47 million) of the world’s children under the age of 5 were affected by wasting (i.e. acute under-nutrition), a condition caused by limited nutrient intake and infection; Africa accounts for the fastest growing number of undernourished people in the world.
TIAS ARMS‘ goal is to make sure that starving children are fed and that they will never go hungry again. We have been helping to feed children for over 20 years, and our funding ensures that children receive nutritious meals every day. Our successful efforts to increase food security for the children include funding new kitchens to improve capacity while decreasing costs and establishing sustainable gardens to increase food production and feed children and their families for years to come.

Our Work: Education
Teach a child and
watch them prosper.
According to the United Nations: “Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. Education helps reduce inequalities and reach gender equality and is crucial to fostering tolerance and more peaceful societies. Yet the reality is that sub-Saharan Africa faces the biggest challenges in providing schools with basics resources. The situation is extreme at the primary and lower secondary levels where less than one half of schools in sub-Saharan Africa have access to drinking water, electricity, computers and the Internet.”
TIAS ARMS believes that education is the key to a prosperous future. Since 2001, TIAS ARMS has been dedicated to providing education for the children in South Africa from preschool, to primary, to high school, and beyond. TIAS ARMS funds new classroom facilities, teacher salaries, computers, scholarships for college bound students, safe transportation, and shoes, supplies, and uniforms for students. Most importantly, TIAS ARMS selects partner schools and group homes where the staff nurture, guide, and motivate the children to succeed.

Our Work: Shelter
Nurture a child and
watch them thrive.
According to USAID: “During the 30 years of the global HIV epidemic, an estimated 17 million children lost one or both parents due to AIDS. Ninety percent of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa.” With the continued devastation brought on by the HIV/AIDS crisis, along with the grave effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, the children of South Africa continue to be exposed to increasingly precarious and dangerous living situations.
Funding from TIAS ARMS ensures that orphaned, abandoned, and abused children are able to live in safe and supportive environments that allow them to grow and thrive. We support critical building improvements, staff salaries, training, therapy, and new bed linens.

Our Work: Healthcare
“If you save one child,
you have saved the world.”
“South Africa is the center of the global AIDS epidemic, home to an estimated 5.6 million people living with the disease and the third highest burden of tuberculosis worldwide. Health care delivery at the local level remains a challenge, and historical inequities persist and the number of children affected by or vulnerable to HIV remains alarmingly high.” (USAID)
TIAS ARMS ensures that sick children in South Africa have every opportunity to become healthy and remain healthy. TIAS ARMS provides funds for clinics that support and educate families about HIV, childcare workers to go to the homes of HIV+ children, specialized nutrition supplements for the children, and safe and much needed transportation to and from clinic visits.

Our Work: Gender Equity
Respect a child and
watch them soar.
“For societies to thrive, women and girls, men and boys must have equal access to education, healthcare, and technology. They must have equal control of resources, lands, and markets. And they must have equal rights and opportunities as peace-builders and leaders. Unless women and girls, men and boys, fully enjoy their human rights and are free from violence, progress toward development will fall short.” (USAID)
TIAS ARMS provides programs to vulnerable girls and teens in the poorest areas of South Africa to ensure they have equal access to education and mentoring programs. Through our supported agencies TIAS ARMS offers them a place safe from abuse as well as programs that lift them up – where they are shown respect and are allowed to dream and strive for a successful future.